Putting your Warm-Up Exercises ON THE MOVE!

13.08.2012 Статья

Hans Maestro Music offers complimentary marching arts exercises for both corps and band, to put in motion!

Hans Maestro Music has now posted three (3) unique exercises for the marching arts group on the go! Warming up the chops is just as important as warming up the feet. Sometimes there's warm up time available for each individually, and sometimes there seems to be only enough time for one. Just as field/show music is rehearsed and applied from arc to field, these three exercises have been designed/arranged to fit the "drill" of three (3) unique marching exercises [2 traditional/well known, 1 new]. This allows for warm-up of the feet and the chops inclusive of musicality while you're band is on the field. My hope is that these exercises will aid your organization in achieving the goals set forth. Below you will find the link to these files, available for download now. (Marching Band/Drum Corps Hornlines only).

Chorales and Warm Ups


Roger Garcia, Composer.

-Chorale In Ab: This chorale can also be used to perfect direction changes with sustained chords when marched to the traditional "Madison Block" (all slides are forward).

-Partial Slurs and Articulation: This variation on a standard tonguing and slurring exercise can also be used for concentration on all direction changes when marched to the traditional "ABBA Block" (forward and backward slides all covered).

-Traffic!: This orchestrated exercise can also be used to prep your group marching and playing as they would for field show drill when marched to the new "Traffic!" (all slides are forward. This exercise can be marched segmented when not playing, see file for more info)


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